Organized by:

In the conjunction of:

Event/majlis: Korean Song Singing Class (Super Junior songs)
Date/tarikh: 27 August 2009, Thursday (Government school holiday)
Time/masa: 02.00pm – 03.00pm
Venue/tempat: Korea Plaza, Menara Han Seng, Jalan P. Ramlee
Date/tarikh: 27 August 2009, Thursday (Government school holiday)
Time/masa: 02.00pm – 03.00pm
Venue/tempat: Korea Plaza, Menara Han Seng, Jalan P. Ramlee
MYSJ will gather at Bukit Nanas monorail station at 01.00pm and walk to Korea Plaza together.
If you don't know how to go to Korea Plaza, you can join MYSJ team at Bukit Nanas monorail station right at 1 PM.
Ahli-ahli MYSJ akan berkumpul di stesyen monorail Bukit Nanas pada 1 PM dan pergi ke Korea Plaza bersama-sama. Sekiranya korang tak tahu macam mana untuk pergi ke Korea Plaza, korang boleh lah menunggu di stesyen monorail Bukit Nanas tepat pada 1 PM dan ikut ahli-ahli MYSJ.
For members who are interested, please fill in your info HERE or HERE. But make sure you send your info before 26 August 2009,11:59 PM. Please wear Malaysian E.L.F. t-shirt or any blue t-shirt you have to the event, show them our unity. ^^ Any question please ask HERE or HERE.
For members who are interested, please fill in your info HERE or HERE. But make sure you send your info before 26 August 2009,11:59 PM. Please wear Malaysian E.L.F. t-shirt or any blue t-shirt you have to the event, show them our unity. ^^ Any question please ask HERE or HERE.
Kepada sesiapa yang berminat, sila isi informasi anda di SINI atau SINI. Tapi pastikan korang menghantar sebelum 26 August 2009, 11:59 PM. Diharapkan korang memakai baju Malaysian E.L.F. atau pakaian berwarna biru di majlis tersebut. Sebarang soalan, sila tanya di SINI atau SINI.
credit to Jasmine@MYSJ + Miss Healerzz@SapphirePearls
If you have any question, please don't ask me because i'm not a part of it. I'm just sharing with you guys,click at the link i gave instead. ^-^ Hope all Malaysian E.L.F. can go. Please tell your other friends too~ :D
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